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4 min read

How to Master Upselling and Boost Your Average Order Value

Graphic of a hand icon clicking a checkout basket

Unlocking the key to maximizing revenue from each transaction is the chef’s kiss of e-commerce. Upselling plays a pivotal role in achieving this by encouraging customers to purchase higher priced or superior versions of the product(s) they intend to buy by offering increased value and meeting customer needs better. With the high acquisition cost of new customers, focusing on your existing clientele is the best place to start. Here's how you can master it:


  • Personalize Your Recommendations
    Utilize customer data and buying behavior analysis to offer a personalized shopping experience. Recommend complementary products or upgrades that align with the customer's interests based on their purchase history or browsing behavior. For instance, if a customer has bought a stroller, recommend accessories like a diaper bag or toys that clip onto the apparatus.


  • Highlight the Value Proposition
    Clearly articulate the added value or benefits of the higher-priced item. Focus on how it meets specific needs or enhances the customer experience. Whether it's superior features, enhanced durability, an extended warranty, or additional functionalities, emphasize how the higher-priced item better satisfies the customer's needs or desires.


  • Bundle and Package Deals
    Create bundled offerings where purchasing multiple items together results in cost savings. Highlight the value of the bundle compared to individual purchases. This strategy not only increases the perceived value for the customer, but also encourages them to buy more items at once. For instance, if you sell skincare products, bundle a cleanser, toner, masque, moisturizer, and serum at a discounted price.


  • Offer Timely and Relevant Suggestions
    Presenting upsell offers at the right moment during the customer journey is crucial. Offer these suggestions when the customer is most likely to be receptive, such as during the checkout process or when they have added a particular product to their cart. Additionally, ensure the recommendations are relevant to the customer's current purchase, which will enhance the likelihood of acceptance.


It’s important to note that upselling a particular item is only one aspect to increasing your order value. You must also focus on encouraging the purchase of additional items. You can do this by:


  • Setting a Minimum Threshold for Free Shipping
    You’ve heard of girl math, right? It’s the idea that women are more likely to add items to their cart to reach this coveted threshold, thus increasing their spending (psst, it’s true). This strategy not only boosts your average order value (AOV) but also incentivizes larger purchases.


  • Offering Limited-time Offers
    Create urgency by offering limited-time discounts or promotions for purchases above a certain amount. This encourages customers to spend more to earn the incentive you’ve offered. This could include a “free” item or exclusive promotions they can’t purchase on their own. The time constraint and exclusivity motivates customers to make immediate and larger purchases to take advantage of the special deal.


  • Cross-Selling Related Products
    Place strategically curated cross-sell suggestions on product pages or during the checkout process. For example, if a customer is buying a pair of shoes, suggest socks, charms, or additional accessories. If a customer is buying a smartphone, suggest compatible accessories like cases, screen protectors, or power banks. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also increases the overall order value.


  • Creating Loyalty Programs and Rewards
    Implement loyalty programs where customers earn points or rewards for reaching certain spending thresholds. This incentivizes larger purchases to earn more rewards. An example from Target Circle: Make four purchases over $80 in a defined period and receive a $20 reward. If you’re already close to spending that amount in your current transaction, you will add items to your cart you didn’t initially intend to buy in order to achieve the goal. Once you have hit two or three of those milestones, you are more likely to make a final purchase or two to obtain the reward.


Understanding consumer psychology is key to implementing effective upselling and AOV strategies. Customers are more likely to spend more if they perceive higher value in the additional products or upgrades you’ve recommended. Emphasize the benefits and advantages to amplify this perception. Communicate the unique value proposition (UVP) of higher-priced items. Whether it's premium quality, advanced features, or exclusivity, make sure customers understand why the upsell is worth the additional cost. This enhances perceived value and justifies a higher spending decision. 


Highlighting reviews, testimonials, or the popularity of certain products builds trust and persuades customers to opt for higher-priced items. When customers see that others have had positive experiences with the upsell or higher-priced items, it instills confidence and increases the likelihood of conversion. You can also utilize scarcity tactics by showcasing limited stock or time-bound offers. By creating a sense of urgency, it prompts customers to increase their spending (or at least to complete their transaction immediately) to take advantage of the offer presented, in fear they might lose out on a valuable deal if they wait or do not increase their spending. Social pressure and FOMO are big drivers in e-commerce!


Remember to utilize your assets–the homepage of your website is the entrance to your sales floor. Use captivating photographs and highlight popular products to give them more visibility. If you have special offers to share, make sure they’re clearly visible. Sometimes making minor tweaks to easy problems that can have a noticeable impact in leading to higher order values.


You can and should be leveraging technology to analyze your client base, website, and sales trends to drive upselling and AOV strategies. This could include implementing AI-driven recommendation engines that analyze customer behavior in real-time to offer personalized suggestions, leveraging analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns, and conducting A/B testing. This allows you to experiment with different upselling techniques, pricing strategies, or promotional offers to identify what resonates best with your audience. Use this data to refine how you upsell, and which AOV tactics work best for your business.


Something I don’t see talked about enough is how important flexible return policies are in gaining and keeping customers. There is simply too much competition out there to have a rigid return policy. While limits to what you’ll accept is ok, make it easy for your customers to know what your policy is and how it works, and instill confidence in them that they won’t be stuck with something they don’t love, for whatever reason. Some may attempt to take advantage of this, but the majority will never return an item (70-80%), and those who do will give you insight and provide you with the opportunity to build loyalty and drive future purchases.


Mastering upselling and boosting average order value in e-commerce requires a multifaceted approach that blends technology, aesthetics, customer psychology, and strategic implementation. You don’t need a psych degree to be a great marketer or salesperson (though it certainly doesn’t hurt). By understanding your customers' needs, leveraging data-driven insights, and employing effective sales techniques, you can enhance revenue per transaction, foster customer loyalty and satisfaction, and drive sustainable growth for your e-commerce business.