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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

eCommerce Expertise

We speak to dozens of companies about how to best improve their ecommerce websites. We often get some of the same questions. Watch our explainer videos below to get your top-of-mind questions answered. 


Can I Make My Website Faster?

There are a number of factors that could be affection the performance of your website. Everything from the size of your site images, to the 3rd party JavaScript or even your sites theme coding. 




Do I Need a New Website?

Before replacing your website, there are a number of things to consider. Does the site perform the way the customer expects it to? Is it fast in comparison to industry standards? Can the customer get through checkout successfully?

Learn about these factors and more in this video.



Do I need an Agency?

Can you build a site yourself with today's eCommerce platform? Sure. Most merchants can get a site up and running using a variety of themes and settings and get selling quickly. 

However, when you want to add your own unique touches, or integrate with your back-office systems you may need some help getting it all to work well and streamline your processes.



What Should I Expect When Working With an Agency?

There are a number of processes that an Agency will employ to make sure your projects get completed properly. Learn what to look for when choosing an agency and what to expect as projects progress.



What Does it Cost?

As you might expect, the costs of using an agency can vary significantly based on the projects they produce, and the contract model you agree to. 

Learn some of variables that go into an agency's pricing and what you should expect to pay.



What is My Commitment?

Once you have selected your agency and agreed to your terms, what happens next? What do I need to have in place to make sure my engagement is a productive as possible? 



Who is Virid? What Does Virid Do?

Virid is an eCommerce development agency with a 20+ year legacy of building high-performing sites for online retailers both big and small.